Publisher Notes: August/September 2021

I can remember the first time my mother took me to see Cats at the historic Fox Theatre in Atlanta. It was a experience I will never forget. Dressed to the nines, we had dinner at a restaurant nearby and then walked a few blocks to the Fox. As we were ushered to our...

Publisher Notes: June/July 2021

Astronaut Jim Lovell said “there are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.” Every year we feature 10 young...

Publisher Notes: May 2021

Who doesn’t love to sneak a peek into someone else’s home? I absolutely love it! It’s one of the best things about my job. Every year I look forward to sharing some of the area’s best homes and gardens with our readers. This year proved a bit more challenging due to...
Publisher Notes: April 2021

Publisher Notes: April 2021

What a difference a year makes! After a year of uncertainty and fear for many, it appears we are gaining ground on a return to some sense of “normal.” I have always looked forward to spring. It’s a time of renewal, an emergence if you will. Spring in Augusta is...
Publisher Notes: February/March 2021

Publisher Notes: February/March 2021

Everyone loves a wedding! It’s a magical time for a new couple, beginning their life together surrounded by those who love them the most. The setting – whether it’s a church, outside, or in a home – is filled with contagious joy and warmth. In a year filled with a...
Publisher Notes: February/March 2021

Publisher Notes: January 2021

HELLO 2021! Boy, am I excited to see a new year. Who could have ever imagined the chaos, strife and loss 2020 would bring. So many lives have been devastated by the events of last year. But, alas a new year has arrived. Let’s pray that 2021 brings a time of healing...