Hard Love

Hard Love

My mom and dad had what most people would call a solid marriage. For more than 37 years, they were together until my father was taken from us by cancer in 2002. If that horrible monster hadn’t entered our lives, I believe my parents would still be committed to the...

Measure of a Man

As a casual observer of current events and someone who is rarely, if ever, swayed by the political climate outside, I have unintentionally begun to see a trend in the conversations I do take part in. Conversations about what it means to be a man, and the popular...
The Book Tavern

The Book Tavern

By Brian Panowich The independent bookstore. It evokes a certain kind of warm and comfortable feeling, does it not? Like a sunny day on Main Street, or in our case, on Broad Street. Or a hot cup of locally sourced coffee in an old school brown paper cup … maybe...
Two Years Gone

Two Years Gone

By Brian Panowich The past two years did a number on me. I mean a full-on Las Vegas size chorus line to my brain and trust me when I say that is no easy task. I’ve always thought of myself as a freight train under pressure. I take the bad and the worse and spin them...