Publisher Notes: November/December 2020

Publisher Notes: November/December 2020

The holidays have arrived! As many of you know by now, I adore this time of the year. It’s filled with family traditions – old and new. In our household picking out our Christmas tree is my most favorite tradition. Like many families, we start at one lot and visit 10...
Publisher Notes: November 2020

Publisher Notes: November 2020

When we began to prepare for this issue in the fall of 2019, no one could have forseen the changes that 2020 would bring. Like everyone, we assumed the 86th annual Masters Tournament would be held in April like always. In early March, our Tournament Guide was printed...
Publisher Notes: November 2020

Publisher Notes: October 2020

We finally made it to October y’all! Ten months into 2020 and life is slowly beginning to return to some sense of “normal”. Whatever that is.   Area school kids returned to the classroom after what was the longest break in modern history. Restrictions on local events...
Publisher Notes: August/September 2020

Publisher Notes: August/September 2020

 Like many of you, I have been praying that life would have returned to normal by now. Well, at least the way life looked before Covid. As I write this column, I feel as if we are still living in some sort of alternate reality. Masks and social-distancing have become...
Publisher Notes: August/September 2020

Publisher Notes: July 2020

The current state of affairs in our country saddens me. I was raised to love and respect everyone. A person’s skin tone was just that, their skin tone. It has nothing to do with who they are as a person. As humans, we all have the same organs, our blood is red and we...
Publisher Notes: May/June 2020

Publisher Notes: May/June 2020

Rumi, a 13th century poet and philosopher, once said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” A couple of months ago life was different for all of us. Here at Augusta Magazine, we were getting ready for the...