“O Brother, Where Art Thou?”

“O Brother, Where Art Thou?”

By Brian Panowich My brother and I don’t get along. And that’s a shame really, because other than my father — or maybe Batman — my big brother may be the closest thing to a hero I’ve ever had. Sure, he may have been one of the biggest antagonists I had growing up and...
“Here, There Be Lions”

“Here, There Be Lions”

By Brian Panowich It’s April in Augusta and everyone who lives here knows what that means—the majestic gates of Augusta National open and our city welcomes people from all over the world to the Masters. It’s a big deal. And all of us locals are pretty proud of it....
“My Uncle Walter”

“My Uncle Walter”

By Brian Panowich “Your Uncle Walter died today. Just two weeks shy of his 99th birthday. He led a full life. No funeral.” That was the entirety of the text message I received from my mother in June to let me know about the death of my uncle. Ninety-nine years of...
Travis Meadows: Riser

Travis Meadows: Riser

By Brian Panowich In April of 2016, I was in a hotel room in Los Angeles. I’d been nominated for The LA Times Book Prize. My first novel had been released the year before to a wealth of accolades and my career as a successful writer seemed to be taking off at a rate...
For Isaac

For Isaac

By Brian Panowich Two of the most popular questions I get asked at events and lectures, which are mostly virtual these days, is “Who are some of my biggest influences?” and “When did writing become something I knew I wanted to do for a living?” There are many ways to...